
Medicare Basics: Choosing the Right Plan for You

by on October 8, 2020 0

When you turn 65, you are now eligible for Medicare – this is an important milestone. Remember that Medicare is not free, and that is why it is important to understand the ins and outs of this plan before you sign up. Making the wrong choice can be expensive. Even if you have been...

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What Causes Cancer? 3 Risk Factors You Should Know

by on October 8, 2020 0

Cancer is a complex and scary disease, even though the odds of surviving the disease and living a healthy life are good if it is caught early. That said, there are many people who develop cancer each year and unfortunately, not everyone survives it. Most cancers develop depending on several factors, In fact, research...

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Lifestyle Changes to Help Control Diabetes

by on October 8, 2020 0

If you are diabetic, your primary goal is to keep your diabetes under control. Here are some things you can do every day to help achieve this goal. Exercise Regular exercise can help you feel better. It also improves your sensitivity to insulin. This means it works better in your body because your blood...

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How to Get Hearing Aids

by on October 8, 2020 0

Are you looking to buy hearing aids? Before buying it, you should consider having a hearing evaluation done to determine the type and amount of your hearing loss. The process of evaluation can begin with a medical and/or audiological examination. Here are some things you should know. Medical examination: This type of medical exam...

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Tips for Creating a Natural Dental Care Regimen

by on October 8, 2020 0

Natural options for makeup and skincare get a lot of attention, but one of the most important switches is finding a good dental care routine. Here are some tips to take care of your teeth naturally.  Replace Your Toothbrush Skip plastic toothbrushes that are too harsh and abrasive on your teeth and gums and...

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