What to Consider Before You Get a 5G Plan

By on October 8, 2020 0 593 Views

So, you are thinking of taking a deep dive into the much-spoken-about world of 5G? Apart from buying a 5G-compatible handset, you’ll also need to get a 5G plan. We take you through the various things that you’ll need to keep in mind before you can start using 5G.

Check if You Can Access 5G 

The first thing you should do is check if 5G is locally available where you reside. After all, there’s no point buying a new 5G phone and data pan if 5G hasn’t been rolled out where you stay yet. All the major carriers publish the regions where they offer 5G service on their website, so make sure to check this. 

Check if Your Phone Is 5G-enabled

Buying a brand new smartphone that is 5G-enabled from your carrier is a guaranteed way to ensure you can connect to your carrier’s 5G network. The thing is, carriers in different places may use unique 5G frequency bands, so your smartphone will need to support these frequency bands in order for you to be able to use the network. It’s always a good idea to spend some time to check whether your smartphone is compatible with your carrier’s network bands. This information can be found on the specs page of your smartphone, and most carriers also furnish this information on their website. 

Take Your Data Needs Into Account

Before you buy a new smartphone and get a 5G, take some time to consider whether you really need 5G. Given that you’ll likely have to pay a much higher price for a 5G plan, it’s a good idea to check if you can actually benefit from this. So, for instance, it makes sense to get a 5G plan if you are downloading several gigabytes of high-resolution videos and images every month. But, if you only use your internet plan to browse the web and check social media, there’s no real need for 5G.

Compare Prices

Once you’ve ascertained the above-mentioned things, what you’ll need to do is compare the prices of different 5G plans and pick the one that offers the most value for your money.