Things You Need To Do With Your New Smartphone

By on October 8, 2020 0 1515 Views

If you’ve recently purchased a new phone, there are certain things you’ll need to do, so you get more out of the phone. Here are 10 things you should do once you buy a new cell phone. 

Transfer the Media and Contacts

Given that you most likely want to have all your contacts and media on your new phone, you’ll need to transfer it from your old phone to the new one. 

Activate Your New Smartphone

Activating your phone is a necessary step to start using it. To do this, you’ll need to charge your new phone, determine if your new smartphone requires a SIM card, and follow the activation instructions which may have come with the phone. 

Protect Your Privacy

To keep your smartphone secure, you’ll need to set up a lock screen. You can either choose a PIN, a pattern, or a password for the lock screen. Next, you will have to set up the device recovery process. Also, add a screen protector to keep your phone protected. 

Connect Your Email Accounts

It’s likely you’ll use your smartphone to read and send emails, so make sure to set up your email accounts on your phone. 

Download the Apps You Require

There are many apps available in your smartphone’s app store, so you can download the ones that you require. The right apps can help you track your tasks, increase productivity, improve your health, etc. 

Understand Your Data Usage

Your phone uses up data when you do things online. Different online activities and apps can use different amounts of data. If you have an unlimited data plan, data consumption is not something you need to worry about. Else, make sure to monitor your daily data usage on your phone. 

Set-up HD Voice

HD Voice offers natural-sounding video and audio calling that’s as simple as actually making a regular phone call. So, make sure to turn this on by navigating to the “Settings” menu on your phone. 

Pair Your Phone with A Bluetooth Accessory

If you have a Bluetooth device, you can pair it with your phone. 

Optimize Battery Life

Most smartphones have rechargeable batteries. You can maximize the life of your battery by keeping it cool, using a smart charger, maintaining a moderate level of brightness on your phone, and closing background apps.

Explore Additional Resources

With the kind of features that are built into phones these days, there’s so much more you can do with your smartphone. So, explore online for additional tools and resources to make the most use of your smartphone.